
Hide Content Screen Sharing Google Docs

Sanskar Tiwari / March 14, 2022

So i got a email from a customer asking not able to use blurweb app on google docs. So in this blog i will show how you can

First let's say we have a google docs like this

google docs

Now if you directly try to blur here it will not work so what we can do is publish this page on web and then blur that page and present. Let me show how

google docs

Copy the url and open it in new tab

google docs

Now here you can use click to blur ot blur area or even blur highlighted text

Tip: In recording screen sharing video it can be time consuming to do blur afterwards, To solve that problem i have build following application which you must checkout 👇

  • Blurweb App: It helps hide anything on webpage with single click, hide a sepecific text segment, or just draw a rectangle and it will hide what ever below it while sticking at the same place
  • BlurScreen App: It helps hide anything on screen just draw a rectangle and it will hide what ever below it while sticking at the same place
  • QuickPresent App: Single click worry free screenshare, this hides the app icons, changes wallpaper, turn of notification and more..

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