Sanskar Tiwari - 5 min read

Hide & Show Answer online class qna with blurweb app

Nicholas Scalice
Shailendra Srivastava

Let's see how Shailendra who is Teacher by proffession use

here one of my class clip while I was using

What is your background and how do you use

Hello, I am a teacher of subject Physics at a Degree college. Under Covid-19 I was instructed to use Microsoft teams to teach my students. Now I have been using for 1 month. helps me in my teaching in class as well as during class viva practices. With this app I use to hide the answers, then I ask a question to the student and after his/her reply I show the correct answer.

How were you handling things before you switched to ? - What problems did you observe?

Of course it was too hard for me to handle the viva practices before Before there was no way to put questions and answers at the same place because there was no way to hide the answers.

Again while filling the account info of canva, kopykitab I have to stop the screen sharing but now everything is fine under this app.

What internal and external factors made you decide to buy ?

Yes, the main factor is my privacy externally and internally both. I use Loom to record my lectures. So my login info etc should not circulate with the video I recorded on loom.

And I already stated that in the class questionnaire I largely use

What were the three most important benefits you received as a result of using

Honestly, is a new concept and people couldn’t imagine it before it came to us.

  • Now my class video content has reached another level because of the use of
  • My class questionnaire is now going smoothly and without any cheating by students.
  • Now I need not to worry about my privacy.

Do you feel like you gained any competitive advantage with using

Yaa, I got an edge over other teachers because they are still struggling with their traditional methods while in teaching work and I am using a hightech method in teaching as well as in my academic work.

Whom would you recommend to get

My colleagues often ask me about my techniques in teaching and then I always motivate them to join with and that I will do forever because Many things are now possible for me which I never expected to exist before I started to use

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